Hair conditioner: Is It Bad for the Scalp?

We just discovered that most of us might use conditioners the wrong way, which impacts our hair and scaalp.

Let’s take a quick trip back to your childhood, where most of our habits were formed.

Were you (like us) told to massage your hair and scalp when using shampoo and conditioner? Maybe you were told that conditioner helped moisturise the scalp?

Well, it turns out we were wrong! (except for a few who already knew this).

When it comes to haircare, many of us were taught to massage our scalps vigorously while using shampoo and conditioner, believing that conditioner helped moisturise the scalp. However, recent discoveries in the world of haircare have revealed that we may have been using conditioner the wrong way, inadvertently impacting the health of our hair and scalp. In this blog post, we will debunk some common misconceptions and provide you with the ultimate guide to using conditioner correctly, with a particular focus on its relation to keratin hair treatments.

The Downside of Misusing Conditioner: 

Adding conditioner directly to the roots, scalp, or hair near the scalp can have adverse effects on the hair’s appearance and overall health. It tends to weigh down the hair, resulting in flatness and a lack of volume. Moreover, when the hair is burdened with excess conditioner near the scalp, it stimulates the production of oils, leading to oily hair that quickly loses its freshness. Additionally, applying conditioner to the scalp can contribute to scalp irritation and clogged hair follicles, hindering hair regrowth—a concern especially relevant for those undergoing keratin hair treatments.

The correct way to use conditioner to achieve the best results and maintain the health of your hair and scalp, follow these steps when using conditioner:

  1.  Apply the conditioner from the mid-length to the ends of your hair. This method ensures that the strands receive the necessary nourishment and moisture without weighing down the roots or scalp.

2.  Gently massage the conditioner into your hair, allowing it to work its magic. This gentle massage aids in the even distribution of the product and its absorption by the hair shafts.

3.  Follow the instructions provided on the product and leave the conditioner in for the recommended duration. Afterwards, rinse it thoroughly to avoid any residue buildup that may affect the hair’s texture and appearance.

The Importance of Scalp Massage During Shampooing: While shampooing, it is beneficial to incorporate a scalp massage into your routine. Not only does this practise promote better circulation, but it also stimulates hair growth. A gentle massage can revitalise the scalp and contribute to the overall health of your hair.

Conclusion: Is hair conditioner bad for your scalp?

Hair conditioners, when used correctly and chosen wisely, are not inherently bad if you don’t put them on your scalp. They provide valuable benefits to the hair strands, and their impact on the scalp can be minimised through proper application and rinsing. By selecting the right conditioner for your hair type, distributing it evenly, and thoroughly rinsing it out, you can enjoy the benefits without compromising scalp health.

Don’t miss the opportunity to achieve sleek and healthy hair with keratin treatments. You can get your DIY kit here.

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